
For your convenience we have enabled a development environment that simulates most of the requests and types of transactions available in our production environment.


QA environment contains most of the workflows of the production environment, feel free to develop your application using the available endpoints.

The base URL for development is: https://api.qa.vitawallet.io/api/businesses

You can access the administrator we did setup for you, with which you can execute all business actions in a protected environment, click here


STAGE is an exact copy of the production environment, feel free to test your application using the available endpoints, once the development in the QA environment has been successfully completed.

Base URL for testing is: https://api.stage.vitawallet.io/api/businesses Administrator You can access the administrator that we have prepared for you, with which you can execute all business actions in a protected environment, click here


PROD environment is our production environment, after you have developed your application using the QA environment and your tests have finished successfully, contact us and with just one click we will enable the production api in your real Vita Wallet account.

Base URL for production is: https://api.vitawallet.io/api/businesses

Remember to create a test user in QA, through the GUI at the following URL: https://qa.vitawallet.io/ If you have already finished development with the QA environment and are ready for the production environment, you must start the testing process in the STAGE environment, for this you need to have a verified account at the following URL: https://stage.vitawallet.io/

Once the testing process has finished successfully, you will have the endorsement to deploy to production, for this you need to have a verified account at the following URL address:


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